Beginning life in 1910, the Little Brown Church was Pacifica’s first church. It was built of rough sawn fir and redwood, standing just 100 feet from the Ocean Shore Railroad. Known as the Salada Beach Presbyterian Church, it served as a church, community social center, meeting room, public school, well baby clinic and neighborhood movie house. Now it is home to the
Pacifica Coastside Museum where visitors can learn about Pacifica’s unique and colorful history. Current exhibits include:
- An exploration of the Ohlone culture, which thrived in Pacifica and throughout the Bay Area for over 1,000 years.
- A commemoration of the 250th anniversary of Portola expedition, which climbed Pacifica's Sweeney Ridge in 1769, marking the first time Europeans saw the San Francisco Bay.
- A celebration of the Ocean Shore Railroad, which ran from 1905-1920, offering the first major opportunity for San Francisco residents to explore the beautiful coastal region.
- A look at Pacifica in the modern era, including its emergence as a surfing mecca and a site of pivotal victories in the environmental movement.